Considerations for Principals & Educators for the New Year

December 6, 2022

Considerations for Principals & Educators for the New Year 

Prepare for the new year by elevating your school’s teaching systems. 

Change is as good as a holiday and with the looming new year comes the opportunity to elevate your school’s technology. Though there has been a love-hate relationship with technology across the decades, there’s no denying that the education sphere is evolving in such a way that demands the inclusion of smarter systems. This not only improves the efficiency of the inner workings of your campus, but it also provides learners with better education. Here are a few things to consider as you start the 2023 school year. 

Improve your remote learning offerings 

The pandemic may be behind us and learners may be back at school, but that doesn’t mean there is no room for efficient remote learning options. Should learners fall ill and miss school, or need after-hours extra lessons, being able to complete the work at home is a convenient way for both educator and pupil. Consider integrating a digital whiteboard system for live teaching or a virtual classroom system that allows saved lesson videos to be accessed from any location. Niflink offers both of these systems with state-of –the-art technology and ongoing technical support whenever you need it.  

Merge socio-emotional support with technology 

The children of today are so technologically advanced that the use of devices has been integrated into just about every facet of life. The old saying goes ” if you can’t beat them, join them”, so why not integrate socio-emotional support programs into your current school systems. There are various check-in applications available that assist students to become aware of their feelings and moods while still utilising technology.  Learners are able to tap an emoji that depicts their current mood and thereafter complete a related mindfulness activity. 

Boost your in-classroom technology 

There are many schools who have already started making tablets available in the classroom for certain subjects, or have requested that parents purchase one for their child. This will allow a student the ability to access course material from the school’s cloud and complete various activities in each lesson. This is also an excellent way to introduce bite-sized learning so that students can fully engage for a shorter time span, rather than losing focus during a longer lesson.

The integration of efficient technology will make the school environment more organised and manageable for parents, students, and staff members alike. Make 2023 the year that you take your school’s technology to new heights, and offer education that goes the distance in today’s ever-changing technological environment. 

Our team is here to assist you should you want to look into integrating our online learning systems with these new teaching trends. We assist with planning the lesson structure of your education programme and integrate it well into our existing suite of software and hardware solutions. 

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