Education technology that goes the distance

Niflink helps educational institutions across the globe create distance learning systems that make virtual classroom experiences more accessible for everyone.

Our education partners


Education everywhere

Niflink Teach aims to connect your school, university, or institution with learners who live in digitally disadvantaged areas. With us, bandwidth and connectivity limitations don’t stop people from learning together.

Partnering with the Department of Education and some of South Africa’s largest mobile networks, our EdTech makes distance learning a reality in areas where data costs and connection speeds restrict educational access.

We connect people to education using smarter technology.

Distance Learning

E-learning reimagined

In developing nations most people connect to virtual environments through 2G and 3G mobile networks. These connection methods are an ongoing barrier for growing institutions that want to deliver quality virtual education.

Niflink Teach uses proprietary NIF data compression technology to shrink educational media and live streams – for faster, more efficient data flow. Compress files by up to 90% to boost your online education initiatives.

We create e-learning platforms that reach everyone, everywhere.

Build an inclusive e-learning platform with smarter education technology

E-learning solutions

Explore our world-class range of data communication solutions for the education sector. No matter where you are in your e-learning journey, we’ll work together to custom-design the right solution for you.

Digital whiteboard for teaching live

Enhance your virtual learning environment with a digital whiteboard.

Teachers and learners can interact by sharing text and visual elements on a virtual all-in-one touchscreen, with integrated video conferencing.


  • Easily works on mobile wireless connections (GPRS)
  • Connects to your computer, smartphone, or tablet
  • All you need is a device with a camera and audio
  • User-friendly operation on Android and Windows
  • Software that runs seamlessly on low bandwidth
  • A system that encourages learner engagement
  • A virtual classroom element that improves learning outcomes


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School management system and LMS platform

Perform complex school management functions with an easy-to-use multi-level system.

Our learning management system simplifies the ongoing administration and operations of your educational program.


  • Effortless multi-level video conferencing
  • Accomplish remote school inspections
  • Accurately collect educational data
  • Fast record keeping, tracking and review
  • Easy to learn software for teaching staff
  • Increase operational efficiency and accountability
  • Improve & monitor performance on a National level


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Virtual classroom broadcasting and streaming

Create dynamic virtual classroom environments with real-time local  broadcasting and live streaming capabilities.

Using a multimedia mobile case classes are captured, broadcast, and uploaded to the cloud for easy access.


  • MMC’s make remote classroom broadcasting possible
  • Stream classes via built-in Wi-Fi, satellite, GSM, or fibre lines
  • Learners can remotely review classes on any smart device
  • Enjoy two-way interaction with multiple users
  • Upload files and video without additional software
  • Teachers can stream classes to specific individuals
  • Broadcast a single teacher to hundreds of learners


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Multi-screen online teaching platform

With Niflink’s multi-screen interaction, teachers can create collaborative experiences in a smart classroom environment, wherever they are.

Make your e-learning platform engaging for every member of your remote class.


  • Monitor learner progression during and after class
  • Assign activities to specific learners or groups
  • Test individuals or the entire class
  • Broadcast learner screens to the whole class
  • Encourage two-way interaction and discussion
  • Increase engagement between learners and the teacher
  • Teach learners to collaborate in virtual environments


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Niflink Teach in action

Eastern Cape POC (in partnership with Vodacom)

We used our e-learning platform to roll our live broadcast lessons to over 100 schools across South Africa. This partnership provides students with access to more teachers, easing the current teacher shortage situation.

Bringing quality education to more communities and businesses in South Africa

Your partner in e-learning platform communications

With Niflink you’re not buying a one-off distance learning system. You’re buying into an end-to-end service that is managed by the people who build, deploy, and support your e-learning initiatives.

  • NRegular maintenance
  • NA complete solutions stack
  • NOngoing training and support
  • NStart-to-finish set-up and integration

The benefits of smarter education technology

Our mission is to improve access to affordable e-learning infrastructure for educational institutions of all sizes. We do this using EdTech solutions that improve digital education.

  • NImprove ICT governance and risk management
  • NIncrease access to specialized areas of education
  • NMake it easy for remote schools to teach and learn
  • NEnhance monitoring and support provided to schools
  • NDevelop and train teacher skills in digital environments
  • NImprove access to education for early child development
  • NAccess to resources from Siyavula, 2Enable and other partners

Connecting communities to distance learning wherever they are

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Enhancing the human experience

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